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Globally, Russia May Actually Not Be Losing the Information War
In the modern digital information era, information wars are always global.
February 24, 2023
Exposure to Russian Twitter Campaigns in 2016 Presidential Race Highly Concentrated, Largely Limited to Strongly Partisan Republicans
New study shows online push by foreign disinformation accounts didn’t change attitudes or voting behavior — but the disinformation effort may still have had consequences.
January 9, 2023
2022 Year in Review: Our Research & Impact
A look at our top articles, events, and more from the past year.
December 19, 2022
The People Who Believe Russia’s Disinformation
Will Russia’s propaganda campaign continue to work on its citizens and others? Or will the lies fall apart?
April 12, 2022
How Pro-Regime Bots are Used in Russia to Demobilize Opposition and Manipulate Public Perception
In a new paper, we investigate how pro-regime bots employ a variety of tactics to prevent, suppress, or react to offline and online opposition activities in Russia, finding online activities produce stronger reactions than offline protests.
February 21, 2022
The Limited Room for Russian Troll Influence in 2016
Coordinated campaigns by sock puppets on social media are likely neither necessary nor sufficient to signify serious foreign threats to electoral integrity.
October 27, 2020
Why Tyrants and Despots Love Social Media
Although social media may have given dissidents a temporary advantage over repressive governments, now that Twitter is a mature platform, repressive regimes can and do use social media to solidify their grip on power.
July 24, 2015