Tiago Ventura

Faculty Research Affiliate  ·   tav5082@nyu.edu

Tiago Ventura is an Assistant Professor in Computational Social Science at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy and is faculty affiliated with the Massive Data Institute. He is also a Faculty Research Affiliate with NYU’s Center for Social Media and Politics, after working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center. Previously, Tiago received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Maryland, College Park, and also worked as a Civic Integrity Researcher at Twitter. 

As a computational social scientist, Tiago has worked on substantive issues in political communication, social media, and political behavior, with a focus on studies on content activation and propagation, misinformation, and polarization in Latin American countries. Methodologically, Tiago is interested in causal inference problems, online field and survey experiments, network models to deal with large volumes of data, and applications of natural language processing to social science problems.  His most recent research project was awarded a large research grant from the Tech & Public Policy program at Georgetown’s McCourt School to conduct multi-country field experiments focusing on the effects of misinformation exposure through social media messaging apps on beliefs for misinformation and political attitudes in the Global South. Tiago's research has been published in the Journal of Communication, Comparative Political Studies, New Media & Society, PLOS ONE, International Journal of Press/Politics, and Electoral Studies, among other influential academic journals.

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