Pablo Barberá
Related Research & News
Tweeting the Revolution: Social Media Use and the #Euromaidan protests
To better understand how social media is used in a protest setting, we collect data from the Euromaidan protests in Ukraine and find that social media provides a space to share information, as well as mobilize offline organization.
February 28, 2014
Tweeting the Revolution: Social Media Use and the #Euromaidan Protests
Our analysis of Twitter and Facebook data suggests that social media continues to be a pivotal organization tool for those in Kiev and also the most relevant mechanism for disseminating and exchanging information both within Ukraine and abroad.
February 21, 2014
How Ukrainian Protestors are Using Twitter and Facebook
We collected tweets mentioning the most common Twitter hashtags and available Facebook data of the Kiev protest since the morning of November 25, and found that Ukrainian social media users are strategically using the tools available to them to organize and spread information about the protests.
December 4, 2013
Journal Article
Social Media and Political Communication: A Survey of Twitter Users During the 2013 Italian General Election
Italian Political Science Review, 2013
A Breakout Role for Twitter? Extensive Use of Social Media in the Absence of Traditional Media by Turks in Turkish in Taksim Square Protests
This trend suggests that Turkish protesters are replacing the traditional reporting with crowd-sourced accounts of the protest expressed through social media.
June 1, 2013
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