Richard Bonneau

Faculty Research Affiliate  ·

Richard Bonneau is a Co-Director of NYU’s Center for Social Media and Politics. He is on leave for the 2021-22 academic year and is currently a Faculty Research Affiliate.

His expertise in data science, leading large-scale systems biology consortia motivates many contributions to the CSMaP lab. His experience with lab-based science, industry collaboration, and network science are key to the lab’s innovative construction.

Bonneau focuses on three main areas of data science: 1) systems biology, e.g. learning biological networks from genomics data, 2) designing and predicting protein and protein-mimetic molecular structure, and 3) computational social science with a focus on social network enabled science. In the area of genomics and systems biology, he has played key roles in achieving critical field-wide milestones. In the area of structure prediction he was an initial author on the state-of-the art Rosetta code, which was the first code to demonstrate accurate and comprehensive ability to predict protein structure in the absence of sequence homology.

Bonneau was selected by Discover magazine as one of the top 20 scientific minds under 40 and a review in the top biology journal, Cell, lists Bonneau’s 2007 paper on the prediction of global dynamic regulatory networks as a landmark paper in the field of Systems Biology. Bonneau is a founding member of the Flatiron institute, a new large-scale effort to create an intramural data science center at the Simons Foundation, a PI on the initial Moore-Sloan data science environments grant, and part of the group of faculty at NYU that created the new Center for Data Science at NYU.

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