Andreu Casas

Faculty Research Affiliate  ·

Andreu Casas is an Assistant Professor in Political Communication at Royal Holloway University of London and a faculty research affiliate with NYU’s Center for Social Media and Politics. Prior to joining Royal Holloway, Andreu was an Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and a postdoctoral research fellow at CSMaP, and in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research at the University of Amsterdam. He received his PhD in political science from the University of Washington. 

Casas’s research lies at the intersection of political communication, policy making, and computational methods. His substantive research looks at the conditions under which social movements and interest groups use new digital media technologies to coordinate actions, gain public support, and push their ideas forward; as well as the conditions under which some of the policy ideas that make it onto the legislative agenda succeed and become law while others fail. In his methodological research, Casas develops and implements state-of-the-art machine learning techniques for the computational study of large corpora of text and visuals