Patrick J. Egan

Faculty Research Affiliate  ·

Patrick J. Egan is a political scientist who studies Americans’ political attitudes and behavior and their consequences for public policy, partisanship, and identity. He’s a Professor at NYU’s Wilf Family Department of Politics, with courtesy appointments in NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service and NYU’s Department of Sociology. Egan is a faculty convener for the Identities & Ideologies Project @ NYU and a recipient of the NYU Golden Dozen Award in recognition for outstanding contributions to learning in the classroom.

Egan is the author of Partisan Priorities: How Issue Ownership Drives and Distorts American Politics (Cambridge University Press), which investigates the origins of issue ownership within parties, showing that in fact the parties deliver neither superior performance nor popular policies on the issues they “own.” His peer-reviewed research has been published in journals including Nature, the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, and the British Journal of Political Science.