Bilingual Election Monitor
The Bilingual Election Monitor examines media consumption, discussion of political issues, and the spread of information in both English and Spanish leading up to and after the 2022 U.S. elections.
There's a growing body of research examining the media and social media consumption of Americans and how it relates to individuals' political behavior and preferences. However, much less is known about how Latinos — who represent approximately 20 percent of the U.S. population — use social media for political information and news. We are left without empirical insights into this population's online information environment, which could inform media, civil society groups, and policymakers aimed at safeguarding our elections.
Our Research Project
CSMaP's Bilingual Election Monitor seeks to bridge this gap. Through innovative data collection techniques that pair comprehensive, multi-platform digital trace data with national surveys in both English and Spanish, the Bilingual Election Monitor will provide a systematic view into the information Americans consume — both offline and on — and how their beliefs and behaviors change over time.
With this information, CSMaP scholars will produce peer-reviewed research and quantitative descriptive reports examining several key questions, including which communities are targeted most by disinformation and on what platforms, how these dynamics are shifting as the online ecosystem changes, and what impact disinformation has on voters’ beliefs and behaviors.
Journal Article
How Reliance on Spanish-Language Social Media Predicts Beliefs in False Political Narratives Amongst Latinos
PNAS Nexus, 2024
Journal Article
Understanding Latino Political Engagement and Activity on Social Media
Political Research Quarterly, 2025
Who We Are
Our multi-university research team is led by Professors Marisa Abrajano (University of California, San Diego) and Jonathan Nagler (New York University) and includes scholars with diverse expertise from across the social sciences.
Our Funders
We are grateful to Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and NYU’s Office of the Provost and Global Institute for Advanced Study for supporting this research project.